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Anatomy of Storytelling: How Do You Tell a Story?
Non-fiction, Writing, Storytelling Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil Non-fiction, Writing, Storytelling Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil

Anatomy of Storytelling: How Do You Tell a Story?

Anyone can tell a story. All of us do it daily. But not everyone can tell a story that will stick with the audience for years to come. If storytelling is the primary purpose of language (which, I’d argue it is), and language is the primary characteristic that separates us from animals (which, I’d argue it is) …

Isn’t it worthwhile to be good at it?

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Anatomy of Storytelling: What Is a Story?
Non-fiction, Writing, Storytelling Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil Non-fiction, Writing, Storytelling Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil

Anatomy of Storytelling: What Is a Story?

What even is a story? Lots of ideas came to mind. Perhaps a story is a series of events relayed by one person (or group) to another person (or group)? Or, perhaps a story is the communication of thoughts and feelings?

Ultimately I settled on this: a story is the base unit of meaning. To help me explain, I need to take a tangent into science.

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