The Further Adventures of Chuck and Bill

Chuck and Bill had no way to get home,

So together they started to roam. 

They took a big chance

And headed toward France

Braving the Channel’s seafoam. 

Once in France the friends kept far from town,

Neither wanting run-ins with the crown

The two didn’t know

That long, long ago

Robespierre brought the royal heads down. 

While traversing a back-country road,

Chuck and Bill met a kindly, French toad.

His name was Jean-Claude

And his wife was called Maud

And their warm hospitality showed.

So the wanderers stayed there a while

To enjoy the provincial lifestyle.

But on the fourth day

(with their welcome outstayed)

Amphibian hosts grew hostile.

To where would the two travel next?

Would they ever find locals un-vexed?

Bill and Chuck missed their home

And the soft, sandy loam

How to get there left both friends perplexed. 

By the weekend the two’d hatched a plan

They called up an eagle named Dan

An ex-pat from Boston

He’d fly them to Austin

Where they’d catch a ride home in a van. 

But Dan had a flying disfunction

A broken direction assumption

Dan thought he knew best

And flew east, ‘stead of west

Till he crashed in Japan with compunction. 

Now Dan was laid up for a week

With a broken wing and a scuffed beak.

Bill and Chuck knew 

There was little to do

So they searched Tokyo for antiques.

In a dusty shop filled with old wares

They found a gray box on a chair

What was hidden inside

Made their eyes open wide

But it didn’t quite give them a scare.

The box held and old mengu mask

And a small drinking glass and a flask

In the flask was some tea

That was old as the sea

“What’s it for?” the two friends did ask.

Well the shopkeeper wasn’t quite sure.

He had never seen either before.

With a shrug and a wink,

He drank the old drink

And grew wings that allowed him to soar.

So Chuck and Bill took the last drop

After paying the keeper of shop

Dan had just enough

Of the magical stuff

For his wing to heal up with a pop!

They re-started their journey around

And were now United States bound

They stopped on O’ahu

(Outside Honolulu)

And caught rays with an ornery hound.

The next day they took to the skies,

Turtle, duck, eagle and pies.

The pies were a snack

That Chuck and Bill packed

Along with some other supplies.

Dan was exhausted, but soon,

By the light of a now waxing moon,

The friends made their landfall

And played them some handball

At a western coast hipster commune.


From there, the trip back was a romp.

Lots of fun with almost no pomp.

But mile by mile

Though it took a good while

Bill and Chuck made it back to the swamp.

They expected a great big to-do,

A celebration-y hullabaloo

But to their surprise

They met with blank eyes

And swamp-mates asking “Who are you?”


The Boy


The Adventures of Chuck and Bill