OK, so, obviously, that’s a little dramatic. Bear with me though, because I have big news:


What I mean is, I now have two kids living outside the womb. As you can imagine, this has added an incredible amount of new tasks to my plate.

As a result, my blog will be on a less consistent, pseudo-hiatus kind of schedule. At least for a while. I will continue writing my National Poetry Month poems, but they may not make it up, or they may arrive in batches.

The goal is to get back to new posts every Monday soon, but I can’t be sure when that will happen. There may be fewer than one post a week. The posts that come may not come on Monday. Hopefully you’ll forgive me. If not, well… eh, I’m still happy because I have a second son, so phooey on you.

(Not really. Please don’t be mad! Please stick around and read what I write!)

Since I’m writing this post before my wife has actually gone into labor (so I can have it ready to post at a moment’s notice) the me who is writing doesn’t know the date or time that future me has posted this. If it’s late April, then it’s possible I won’t get a better chance to update you readers about my summer plans. So here it is, a less fun, but still fun, update.

Fiction Fridays are coming!

Starting the Friday after Memorial Day and going until the Friday before Labor Day, I will be posting on Fridays instead of (or, at my own discretion, in addition to) Mondays. Every Friday post will be a work of fiction. The fiction may be single short vignettes, serialized bits of short stories, un-illustrated picture book manuscripts, or even excerpts from novels I’m working on. None of them will be significantly edited to make them amazing. They’ll just be raw fiction. Whether they are good or they tickle the same morbid curiosity that inspires you to watch a traffic collision instead of looking away, you won’t want to miss them.

Any posts that DO come on Mondays will be in the same vein as the other posts on my blog, with thoughts and tips about writing, editing, and publishing.


If you feel like you have an idea for a post that I should tackle (or that you want to tackle as a guest author) reach out to me! I love hosting other writers and editors, and I’d appreciate help keeping my blog running while I’m re-learning how to change a dirty diaper at 3AM in the dark with less than 4 hours of sleep in the last 5 days. (#Newborns, am I right?!)


April 13 and 14, 2022


April 12, 2022