April 7, 2022


In life there’s strife that cuts us deeply,

A knife that might dice our sleep into 

Sleeplessness, little bits of lethargy punctuated by drifting off

A wandering mind that doesn’t notice, can’t see, won’t look past my own

Troubles. Lord knows today has enough of them. 

I have places to see, people to be. Don’t ask me, please

To stop.

The ease with which I ease off the gas but slowly pass, with little more than passing glances

At motorists, stranded. What can I do? My time is demanded 

By others 




I would if I could. 

I know that I should…

But I don’t want to shoulder the boulder of burdens from others on top of my own

But perhaps I could if I would.

I want to do good, to help others, to shine brightly through the strife into life

But in the night, with stars alight, my striving mind questions:

Did I do all the good I could?

Is it ever enough? 

I know on my own I can’t fix it all

I can’t undo the Fall.

All I can do is to fall on my face

Into grace

Not to save face, but to face the fact that all my acts of good

Could do no more than the little good that does me. 


April 8, 2022


April 6, 2022