April 6, 2022


A poem to read needs a poet to write,

But a poet I’m not, not by a far sight.

And thus I am sorry to break it to you,

This isn’t a poem! It’s shocking but true.

This isn’t a poem, it’s words on a page;

They rhyme and they’re metered (please don’t be enraged)

But it won’t meet the standards good poets would set,

It won’t make you wonder or feel deep regret.

It won’t make you happy, it won’t make you think;

If you print it out, it won’t be more than ink.

It isn’t artistic, it’s all just a sham!

This terrible, heartless, UN-poem by Sam.

You might as well stop, there’s no reason to finish,

It’s likely my standards will further diminish

And then what will happen? Then what will you say?

“I wish that I’d never come reading this way!”

You’re still going onward, and not slowing down…

And I’m wrapping things up like a hospital gown!

What I’m saying, I guess, just to keep us on track:

Things looked bad from the front and look worse from the back!


April 7, 2022


April 5, 2022