Ten More Writing Prompts: Christmas Edition

Every so often, I like to challenge you, my readers, to take a break from your projects and flex your creativity on something smaller.

So here is a Christmas edition of my ongoing series, Ten Writing Prompts.

  1. Santa Claus exists, but he is assumed to be a myth created to delight young children because he hasn’t made a delivery in over 500 years. Write the story explaining why that is.

  2. Write a story about an ugly Christmas sweater who must learn self-acceptance.

  3. You are the leader of an anonymous group of hackers calling yourselves the Claus Collective. Your goal is to deliver a toy to every child on Christmas morning. Write the story of how (and if) you pull it off.

  4. Write the story of the fourth wise man who forgot to bring a gift for the baby Jesus.

  5. Write the story of Mr. Whittle (Peter Boyle’s character in Disney’s The Santa Clause) and how he became Father Time (Peter Boyle’s character in The Santa Clause 2).

  6. Write a debate between a real and artificial Christmas tree running for the office of “Primary Family Tree.” Bonus points if you include what happens to the candidate who loses the election.

  7. According to the movie Elf, Santa put the Central Park Rangers on the naughty list, and they never forgave him. Tell their story and how they wound up on a vendetta against Claus.

  8. Write about your most cherished Christmas memory.

  9. Apparently, even for magical beings, dealing with bureaucracy is a headache. Write a conversation between a clerk who works in immigration and Santa Claus, who needs a work visa for every country in the world.  

  10.  Write about the best (or worst) Christmas gift you’ve ever received. Who gave it to you? What made the gift so wonderful (or so awful)?

So there you have it! Ten Christmasy writing prompts. As always, I’d love to read anything you produce based on these prompts!


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