Ten More Prompts to Get You Writing

Way back in January, I offered up ten assorted writing prompts in hopes it would encourage other people to take the plunge (or at least dip their toes) into writing.

Today, I want to offer ten additional prompts. You can use these to begin a writing journey, or you can use them to give your brain a rest from a project that has you pulling hair out. You can use them to try a new genre you don’t normally write in, or to get some extra practice in your preferred genre. You can share the resulting work or keep it to yourself (though I’d love to see anything you write based on my humble offerings!)

So here they are:

  1. Write about a time you experienced a “comedy of errors” where nothing went right and it felt like disaster was hounding your steps.

  2. Fran is a marine biologist. Fran just discovered a school of fish of unknown species, many bearing tags similar to the kind she uses when she tags and releases specimens for tracking and study. However, the tags are labeled with a script that no one has ever seen before. Write the story of Fran’s efforts to make sense of this discovery, including who tagged these fish and why.

  3. Dan and Stan both work as sous chefs at a Michelin star restaurant. Neither of them have any experience cooking. Write the story of how they conned their way to the top.

  4. Gary is a construction foreman overseeing the completion of a new skyrise apartment building. He notices a group of workers he doesn’t recognize plastering over an elevator door that isn’t on the plans, on a wall that has no elevator shaft. Later that day, Gary is fired unexpectedly. Write the story of what Gary does next.

  5. Theresa has just moved into an old Victorian mansion with her mom and dad. As she’s unpacking her stuff, she finds a small door in the back of her closet. Write a story explaining where the door leads and what Theresa does there.

  6. Write the story of how you met your significant other.

  7. James has been waking up each morning this week with extraordinarily vivid dreams, but they always fade before he can relate them to his roommate or write them down. On his way to work, a homeless man makes eye contact with him, then flips his cardboard please help sign to reveal a message: They are not dreams. Write James’ next steps as he tries to unravel the mystery.

  8. You are a cat. Your human just brought home a potential mate. You instantly dislike her, and begin trying to make her miserable. When your human gets up to get something from the other room, she turns to you and says, in perfect Cat-onese, “Your efforts are in vain. Your human will be mine.” 

  9. Frank has taken care of his aging mother for the last 25 years since his dad passed away. After working a double at work, Frank arrives home to hear his mother speaking with someone whose voice Frank doesn’t recognize. When Frank enter’s the living room, his mother and a strange man are having a friendly chat. “Oh Frankie!” his mother says when she notices him, “This is your brother, Jeffrey.” Write about Frank’s reaction to this news.

  10. Write a story about your child’s favorite toy, from the perspective of the toy.


Fear Itself


Through a Glass, Darkly