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The Last Great Adventure (pt. 6)
Fiction, Young Adult Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil Fiction, Young Adult Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil

The Last Great Adventure (pt. 6)

Although they passed some intersections, neither Wes nor Teddy wanted to turn aside from this primary thoroughfare unless they reached a dead end or some other destination. Eventually, just as Teddy opened his mouth to suggest turning back, the street opened onto a deserted plaza.

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The Last Great Adventure (pt. 5)
Fiction, Young Adult Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil Fiction, Young Adult Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil

The Last Great Adventure (pt. 5)

The deeper they pressed into the massive chamber, the larger it turned out to be. After walking a few hundred meters, they noticed another large pillar, identical to the first. Overall, the room’s dimensions resembled a corridor, though on a much grander scale. The walls on the left and right seemed mostly natural, though some areas bore marks where rock had been roughly chiseled away.

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The Last Great Adventure (pt. 4)
Fiction, Young Adult Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil Fiction, Young Adult Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil

The Last Great Adventure (pt. 4)

They located the sinkhole without much trouble. The smallish thing described by Conklin had grown in the decades since his passing, and after walking in the direction indicated by Conklin’s directions, they couldn’t have missed it even had they been blindfolded.

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The Last Great Adventure (pt. 3)
Fiction, Young Adult Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil Fiction, Young Adult Sam "One-Wheel" O'Neil

The Last Great Adventure (pt. 3)

During the night, the temperature dropped to be unseasonably cool, and thick fog settled over the woods. Upon awakening, Teddy felt the heart-stopping moment of panic that comes from transitioning from a familiar dream into unfamiliar surroundings. The thick mist shrouded the world in shades of gloom, and he felt completely alone. Even Wes’ slumbering body, no more than six feet away, was difficult to make out in the heavy fog.

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