Advice for Writing, Editing, Reading, and Life.
New posts on Mondays (for non-fiction) or Fridays (for fiction)

Give Me Your Answer True
Daisy clambered through a broken window. She left tracks in the thick dust as she explored. Debris littered the floor. At the end of a wide corridor, splattered on double doors, a question: ARE YOU REAL?

We Are Stardust (pt. 5)
Another few weeks passed and eventually Massoud gave up her efforts to teach the Petrans to farm. Hughes began spending more time on the surface, eventually only returning to the Exodus to sleep, and that only because Nyoka had insisted on it. Nyoka could feel control of the mission slipping away from her.

We Are Stardust (pt. 4)
Although no one had said it aloud or written it down or filled out any of the paperwork that could have made it official, Nyoka saw Rivera as her protégé, who would someday be in command of her own crew. The woman was in love with the stars; had said as much in her initial evaluation.

Christmas with the Cross: A Modern Take on an Ancient Tradition
All over the world, for hundreds of years, Christians have celebrated the weeks leading up to Christmas, a season known as Advent. Christmas with the Cross is a new, free Advent family worship guide to help you and yours prepare for Christmas.